3 Donation Programs
Pass on the tradition of the Catholic faith through Catholic education. We do not want any child to be denied the benefit of a Catholic education due to their financial circumstances. St. Athanasius School has 3 Donation Programs to consider investing in which include: SEAT Fund, Education Endowment Fund and STO (School Tuition Organization). Learn more about the programs below. View our donation programs flyer here.

The SEAT Fund provides immediate and direct tuition assistance to Saint Athanasius School students through STO matching grants and Tuition Assistance Grants.
The awarding of Tuition Assistance Grants includes consideration of:
Family income level;
Loss of employment or unfavorable change in employment status of one or more parent/guardian;
Family medical issues;
Natural disasters (e.g. flood, fire, tornado, etc.); and
Other situations that the applicant deems worthy of consideration.

Education Endowment Fund
The income from this permanent Educational Endowment fund will be used for tuition reduction through direct school financial support of:
• Students at Saint Athanasius School
• Graduates of Saint Athanasius school training for vocations in the priesthood or religious life
• Graduates of Saint Athanasius school attending Don Bosco High School.

STO (School Tuition Organization)
STO is an Archdiocese of Dubuque program that gives donors a 65% State of Iowa tax credit. Most medium to high incomes save another 25-35% in Federal Income Tax on their donation. The combined income tax saving can be 90% or more. The donor can designate 50% of the donation to the Catholic school system of his or her choice. The remaining 50% of the donation goes to Catholic schools throughout the Archdiocese. The funds provide tuition assistance to students from low income families attending Catholic schools in the Archdiocese